art available, art gallery animals, oils, portraits

farm horse oil portrait by deb hoeffner

Phillips Mill Art Exhibition

The Workhorse


Portrait of a workhorse in oil. This plow horse was one of a team at the Howell Historical Farm that was the subject of a larger painting. I was fortunate to have visited when two teams of horses were plowing the field and they stopped to pose for me. The other team was the subject of the award-winning drawing here.

Exhibited in the Philadelphia Sketch Club 156th Juried Art Exhibition Small Oils and the Phillips Mill 91st Annual Juried Art Exhibition.

The stages of the oil painting are shown below. I often photograph my work in progress and post on my instagram and my facebook pages. To see more like this, I hope you’ll check those out.

Oil painting technique deb hoeffner

Painting in progress stage 1

oil painting process

Painting in progress stage 2

horse portrait painting

Painting in progress stage 3

Contact deb

Thank you for visiting my website. If you have any questions, comments or interest in purchasing or commissioning illustrations, books and original art, send me a note and I'll get back to you.

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