deb hoeffner illustration - soft realism illustrator for animal, portrait, childrens book illustrations

Stock Illustrations

Stock is a term that describes an assortment of existing illustrations available for professional usage in a wide variety of media: i.e. consumer products, prints, brochures, magazine articles, advertisements, websites, direct marketing, etc. Deb Hoeffner retains the copyright for all illustrations available as Stock. As a consumer of Stock, one purchases the right to use stock illustrations by entering into a license agreement in which reproduction rights are granted for a specified use, quantity and time frame. Deb maintains a record of usage for stock images and while the majority of licenses are non-exclusive, exclusive rights are available on an industry basis. Stock imagery is priced on a per image basis and is based on a specific project's criteria: image reproduction size, print run, distribution, intended use, etc.

Click for Stock Illustrations / Images

Low-resolution jpegs or pdf files are available on request for comp imagery to present for client approval. The low-resolution file may only be used in materials for personal, non-commercial use and test or sample use, including comps and layouts. The low-resolution digital images may not be used in any final materials distributed inside of a company or any materials distributed outside of a company or to the public, including but not limited to, advertising and marketing materials or any online, broadcast or other electronic distribution system (except to transmit comps digitally or electronically to a client for their review) and may not be distributed, sublicensed or made available for use or distribution separately or individually.

Reproduction rights are also available on many illustrations not shown in Stock.

Deb Hoeffner for further information.

Click for Animal Stock Illustrations / Images page one

Click for Animal Stock Illustrations / Images page two